Why You Should Learn ReactJS.............

Why You Should Learn ReactJS.............


What is ReactJS? is the first thought that comes to mind.

React is a javascript library that is used for building great user interfaces.

It’s open-source and maintained and developed by Facebook.

React is based on components, which means you can break the whole web app into small components, which gives us fast development and less bug application.

Many people call React a framework instead of a library.


But What is the Difference Between Library and Framework?


What Is Frontend Development?

Let’s think of it as an interactable screen that produces some sort of event based on your activity.

For e.g., clicking a button, filling out a form, scrolling, and Animations.

It’s also called client-side development. All things we see on the website are made of HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT.

Why Is React More Famous as Compared to Angular and Vue?

Fast – React uses Virtual Dom to render the data. It compares the complete information with the previous state; if something has changed, only those will re-render. That make React so fast.

Modular – Rather than writing large code, we can divide it into smaller reusable parts. Scalability – React performs best in the case of large programs that display a lot of data changes.

Flexible -As we know, react works differently; it breaks the component into different parts while building the user interface. This is effective in large applications.

Famous – It is popular because it implements a virtual DOM and JSX.

Server-side rendering and SEO-friendly – We know how much is important to rank up in google. That’s what react does for us. React also have a NextJs framework that is more SEO-friendly.

UI components – It improves development and debugging processes so fast that building application takes less time compared to other Frameworks.

Community – React has a large amount of open-source community and is supported by Facebook. It has lots of tools and extension that makes React more comfortable and smooth. React ecosystem is so vast it has lots of opportunities that come on your way once you master this library. Hence, it’s a great tool for web application development.

These are some of the main reasons for React is loved by so many developers in software development.

Why React Now?

In the fast-growing world, a scalable and maintainable web application is needed for consistent performance to improve real-world problems.

As we know How React is so performable, flexible, fast, and easy to debug.

In the modern world, every millisecond, a lot of data flows from one place to another place.

React does the job for us. It handles huge data seamlessly.

React has a large number of opportunity day by day.

If you master React, you will never be out of the opportunity in tech.

Future Of React

First-class support for promises and async/await

1-Introduces support for async/awaits in Server Components. Write Server Components using standard JavaScript await syntax by defining your component as an async function. 2-Introduces the use of a Hook. Like await, use unwraps the value of a promise, but it can be used inside normal components and Hooks, including on the client.

Why ReactJS Is Better For Web Development?

  1. React is simpler to learn than Angular or any other framework.

  2. eact has a large community support.

  3. eact provides reusable components.

  4. irtual DOM is fast as compared to actual DOM.

  5. SX increases the power, efficiency, and readability of ReactJS.

  6. fficient debugging and error-checking with unidirectional data flow.

  7. edux, Zustand maintains data consistency across all components.

  8. eact Hooks

How To Learn React?

Before jumping to React or any other JavaScript framework, you should have a good grip on language fundamentals.

The knowledge you should have about JavaScript is:

1-ES6, Arrow function

2-JavaScript internal working

3-Map Filter Reduce Sort

4-Array and Object Destructuring

5-Spread and Rest Operator




9-“This” keyword


After learning the above concept, you can start learning React. The best way to learn is by doing or creating some small projects.

Hope you Enjoy Reading. Have a great day folks..........